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10 Feb 2005, 21:31
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Morrissey fans have launched a desperate bid to persuade the singer to return home to his native Manchester.
The ex-Smiths frontman has been living in self-imposed exile in Los Angeles since 1997. He recently returned home for a triumphant concert at the MEN Arena on his 45th birthday last May.
Now a petition has been launched by a group of fans who say that the time is now ripe for Morrissey to return to his roots.
Organiser, Carl McDonald told the Manchester Evening News that the idea came to him after communicating with other Morrissey fans on the Internet.
McDonald, who is himself returning home to Manchester later this year after spending four years in Dublin, explained to the newspaper: "We were talking about the wonderful changes in recent times in Manchester and how the one thing missing from the city is it's most famous and most talented son.
"We discussed ways of tempting him home, such as promising to force all butcher's shops in a five mile radius of his home to close down. But we settled on the Internet petition idea so that fans from all over the world could join in and help to end this terrible situation."
He continued: "There's no point in trying to hide from the truth. It is up to the people of Manchester to get online to sign the petition and let Morrissey know that we miss him and need him to make the city complete."
Fans wishing to sign the petition can find it at: www.petitiononline.com/mancmoz/petition.html.