| It's nearly Christmas, so here's our fabulous, festive, fun-packed Christmas mailer! It's filled to the brim with exciting news and competitions, so make sure you read on. |
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| How about this for a Christmas present? You may have seen we launched a competition last week with an AMAZING prize - tickets to see Alphabeat supporting Lady Gaga at the 02 in February, AND a chance to meet Alphabeat backstage.
We're not just giving it away, you to have to earn it! Get your creative thinking cap on, and design an Alphabeat Christmas Card. You could get out the scissors, glue and glitter, or just show off your photoshop skills - whatever lets you create the most snazzy, stylish and, most importantly, festive card!
Send a picture of the finished card to alphabeatcompetition@gmail.com by the 3rd of January to be in with a chance of winning.
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 If all this Alphabeat news has made you itch to get hold of the new album, why not preorder your copy now? 'The Spell' will hit the shelves on March 1st, so to guarantee your copy, preorder here.
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| Alphabeat would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Watch their message below.
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Alphabeat are not only wishing you a Merry Christmas, they are granting your wishes too! If you click here and tell Alphabeat what you want for Christmas, you might be lucky enough for it to come true!
If you feel your social network pages are lacking in a bit of festive cheer, here's the answer: You can add a touch of sparkle to your facebook page by adding the Alphabeat Christmas Facebook application here, or adding this widget to your myspace or blog .
If you haven't got round to sending Christmas cards this year, it's not too late! You can still send Christmas greetings to all of your friends by sending them your own customised Alphabeat Christmas e-card, featuring a video message from the band. Click here to get started.
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| 2009 is nearly over, so you've been sending us your Alphabeat Highlights of the year! Thanks to everyone who sent through their best moments, pictures and videos from the past year. Here are some of our favourites:
Tom Davidson's highlight was seeing Alphabeat play live in Manchester. He was even lucky enough to meet Stine afterwards! Check out the great photo:
Fraser Hynd: "Alphabeat at the Classic Grand in Glasgow was my best gig of 2009....by far!
Loved hearing the new songs especially DJ (please release it as a single)
Here's my video from the show."
Anthony Hawkins: "My Alphabeat highlight of the year was definitely meeting Anders SG and Stine backstage in Newcastle.
"The gig was incredible, I love the fun that these guys always have on stage, they just make EVERYONE want to sing along and dance! They happily signed my Alphabeat t-shirt that I'd bought at their last gig in Newcastle and I haven't been able to wear it out of the house since, it's far too special. I cannot wait till their new album comes out, and I'm pretty sure it'll be one of the best albums of 2010!"
Matthew Peck's favourite moment was "hearing the new tunes for the first time in Brighton. It was a great set." You can check out his rather brilliant collection of photos from the gig here.
Jeremy Owens' highlight was "Learning that the band would be opening for LADY GAGA. That's huge! Congrats to them all and I hope it goes well."
We couldn't agree more - bring on 2010!
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The video premiere of the brilliant new single 'Hole In My Heart' will now be brought to you in the New Year. It's still getting some finishing touches to make sure the final result is just perfect! In the meantime, we can whet your appetite with a sneak peak at these stills from the video. Keep an eye on your inbox in January, when we'll bring you news of the video premiere.
Merry Christmas from Alphabeat HQ