Quick couple of bits from the??Hot Chip world... Following on from their fourth album, One Life Stand, the band release a new single, I Feel Better.
It's out on April 19th on the Parlophone label and it's a hands-in-the-air, spring-in-the-step classique. It's coming accompanied by a host of ace remixes by the likes of Richard X, Den Haan and Ill Blu.
The video for I Feel Better has been directed by the man behind the legendary telly programme Look Around You, Peter Serafinowicz.
Primarily cast via his and the band's Twitter page, the video is getting streamed right now over here: http://emr.emi.com/go.asp?/bEMU001/qIKE794F/x5C6794F
Add to that the fact that the sun is shining and already things are looking summer shaped. More news when we have it! |