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"Army Of Lovers" is the official song for the Pride festival in Borås (SE) and is performed by O!Dorian. The song focuses on inhumane living conditions for LGBTQ people in Russia

"Army Of Lovers" is written by Michael Lövgren, Frans Janousek and O!Dorian himself (Emil Löfström) and features a short guest appearance by Army Of Lovers member Jean-Pierre Barda, who has chosen to stand behind the message that surrounds the song and the release.

It was a feature on the morning TV news that inspired Emil Löfström to write the lyrics to the song "Army of Lovers". It featured a Russian guy who desperately sought Swedish citizenship due to his sexual orientation. When Emil later was asked by Borås Pride to make this year's official song as the artist O!Dorian, it turned out that the Russian guy from TV, Vladimir Medvedev, lived in Borås and thus the circle was closed in a very obvious way. "Army Of Lovers" was chosen as the 2023 Borås Pride song and is now the tool in a joint fight for Vladimir to get citizenship and be able to live here in Sweden with his Swedish boyfriend.

Vladimir left Russia five years ago after being exposed for violence and harassment and now he is threatened with deportation from Sweden. The lyrics for "Army Of Lovers" were written with Vladimirs situation before the eyes, but of course also considering the inhumane conditions that LGBTQ people are forced to live through in many places around the world. The song title is of course also a nod to Emil's biggest childhood idols, the Swedish group with the same name, who have always stood up for values that defend the rights of LGBTQ people, not least in Russia, where they are still very popular. That's why it feels extra honorable that one of the group's members actually participates for a small part in the song and the video.

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'Ride' is the 2nd single from the upcoming The Lightning Kids Remix album 'FM' album and is a collaboration with Cassetter, the forward thinking producer, who mixes elements of traditional synthwave with modern production elements, who has given 'Ride' a darker, retro-futuristic sound.

Described as the 'Synth-wave London Grammar' & 'Synthwave 2.0', The Lightning Kids are singer Emma Ballantine, guitarist/producer Darryn McHardie & songwriter/producer Jonny Spalding.

The original version of 'Ride' was taken from the band's debut album 'All Of Those Nights' which was released in November 2022 and has since had strong success - gathering a following on Tik Tok and #1 placement on German and UK Alternative Album charts on I-Tunes and over 350,000 album streams on Spotify.

With the new single, The Lightning Kids prepare for the release of their debut remix album, a 7-track love-letter to lost-teenage-dreams and summer nights called 'FM' which is due to be released in July 2023.

'Ride (Cassetter Remix)' is produced by Cassetter & The Lightning Kids.
Mastered by Brian Skeel.

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Canadian producer Carashay (aka Barry McDermott) and songstress Cynthia L Steiger debut their first single 'Moon and Stars'. The song tells the story of young love, renewed faith, true love, and the joy of endless possibilities.

Reminiscent of classic 80s synthpop and close to a modern dream-pop aesthetic, the song sounds like an absolute classic that recalls the hopeful yearnings of Neverending Story or Mike Oldfield's Moonlight Shadow ethereal sonic landscape.

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