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In anticipation of the download chart combining with the singles chart, Kristian's first ever download-only single has been released. it's his own version of Tracy Chapman's classic 'Fast Car' a song that's a personal favourite of Kristian's as well as a track that he's recieved a great resp onse on when performing it live.


It can be snapped up now at all legal download stores including Virgin Megastore, MSN, Wanadoo, Napster, iTunes and Tiscali for a cost of between 69p and GBP1. You can then play 'Fast Car' on your computer, burn a CD or transfer it to a digital MP3 player.


Also, the stunning video for 'Fast Car' is now online, so don't forget to check it out at his official site.


Reissued 'Some Day Soon' is here

Kristian's critically-acclaimed debut album, 'Some Day Soon', has been re-vamped to feature some impressive new additions.


Not only is 'Fast Car' on the tracklisting,
but there's some exciting new artwork too. It's out now
and is available at a special low price in HMV, Virgin, Tesco and all good independent record stores.

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